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Mainland spokesperson affirms patrols from coast guard near Kinmen legitimate

来源:Global Genesis news portal编辑:health时间:2024-06-03 18:26:54

On Friday, a Chinese mainland spokesperson said that the law enforcement patrols conducted by the mainland's coast guard in the waters near Kinmen were a "legitimate action" to maintain order in the fishing operations in the relevant waters, emphasizing that Taiwan is part of China.

The remarks were made by Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, after the China Coast Guard announced that the Fujian Coast Guard fleet had legally carried out law enforcement patrols in the waters near Kinmen on Friday.

He said that since the deadly collision between a mainland fishing boat and a Taiwan patrol vessel occurred last month, the Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party authorities have not shown remorse for their disregard of human life, have ignored the legitimate demands of the victims' families and have attempted to shirk responsibility by using their internal investigation procedures as an excuse.

"Those have led to joint opposition and strong indignation among compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, including the people of Kinmen," said the spokesman.

"We will absolutely not tolerate or condone the DPP authorities' brutal acts that disregard the life and property safety of mainland fishermen and harm the feelings of compatriots across the strait," Chen said.

The DPP authorities must promptly provide an explanation to the victims' families and compatriots across the Strait, he said, warning that the mainland reserves the right to take further measures, and the consequences will be borne by the DPP authorities.

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